
Cooking or watching movies?

Interview with cooking critic

Interviewee: Prithika

Why do you like cooking?

It’s experimental and fun. You learn a lot of new stuff. The end result is always amazing!

What influenced you?

My grandmas cooking influenced me. Her cooking cannot be described. It’s like nothing before.
In one one word I’d describe it as fantastic!

What food do you like to cook?

I like to cook anything except the food that makes a really bad stench!

When did you start liking to cook?

At school,when I was quite young.

Do you watch cookery shows on TV?

No, I find them boring.

Interview with movie lover:

Interviewee: Karrison

What movies to you watch?

Power ranger samurai

What’s your favourite movie and why is it good?

Power ranger samurai, they fight a lot and they have phones. They kill bad people. Power dangers are good people. They do some fighting and they fight with their swords.

Which is your worst movie you watched?

James Bond, it’s not really fun . He just jumps and kills scary people and that’s not fun.

If you were a power ranger,which one would you be and why?

Red, his name is Jordan. He had something precious and kills them in one go.

That seems to be the end of our interview. Tune in to read more. Please leave appropriate comments about this subject.

Thank You 🙂

Tharani 😀 😛


7 Responses

  1. Jananani says:

    Good Inteviews!!
    U should inteview your parents

  2. Jananani says:

    Thats so true!!!

  3. Jananani says:

    dat they dont hav much tiime to inerview u

  4. Jananani says:

    u shoud do a blog all about your Favourite things

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